The Emblem

Shahajiraje Mahavidyalaya, Khatav (Arts, Science, Commerce) is situated on Satara- Pandharpur road, 44 km away to the east of Satara and it is quite adjoining to the village Khatav on its 19.35 acres plot. It offers all the modern amenities needed for the allround development of a student’s personality.

Shahajiraje Mahavidyalaya was established by Presently Chandrahar Patil Gramin Shikshan Sanstha, Khatav (then Shikshan Prasarak Mandal, Khatav) in June 1965. It was one of the oldest three colleges in Satara district, and the first in the drought-prone Tehasil of Khatav & Man. There were only 4-5 high schools at that time in Khatav Tahasil. Under such circumstances, only a few students from rich families could afford higher education at Karad or Satara, cities which are situated at a distance of 50 km, away from this region. But the poor students were deprived of higher education. Particularly, girl students were lamentably deprived of higher education as their parents were not mentally prepared to send them to outstation colleges. Their poverty also did not permit them to do so. As a result, the parents of girls from this region were compelled to get married at an early stage, which was nothing but complete mental harassment of the female learners.

The significant point to be noted that, in such drought-stricken Tahasil of Khatav and Man against all odds such as natural, economic, and social, even Rayat Shikshan Sanstha and Swami Vivekanand Sanstha, which had, then, taken lead in the spread of higher education in Maharashtra, did not dare to provide the opportunity of higher education in this neglected region.
But respected Shri. Chandrahar Patil, the founder of this Shikshan Sanstha, who was charged with the higher goal of educating the young boys and girls of this region which was and which is yet drought-stricken, educationally backward, and politically neglected, under such adversity, undertook to establish this college. And accordingly, he sent a proposal of the college to the university for approval. The Senate of Shivaji University refused it thinking that establishing a college in the drought-stricken, economically, socially, politically and educationally backward region of Khatav and Man was impossible. But Shri. Chandrahar Patil delivered a speech before the Senate of the university and explained his flank very effectively and brought to the notice of the university that starting a college at Khatav was a must & need of the hour. The result was that the university was fully convinced of the need for a college in this region and thus was compelled to permit to establish a college.

The symbol “Eklavya” and motto “Shradhawan Labhate Dnyanam” which means ‘only those who are faithful, get the knowledge’ was chosen very purposefully by the founder of our Sanstha. Both the symbol and the motto are very apt and illustrative of the objectives of our Sanstha. Eklavya the well-known character from the world-famous Indian epic, though a virtuous, determined young man of action was rejected, neglected scorned, and underestimated only because he belonged to socially degraded and educationally backward strata of society. In the same way, the young girls and boys from our region, though courageous, ambitious, desirous of knowledge, virtuous, with bright character, hard-working and genius were leading scornful life only because they were born in the region to which nature was completely hostile and which was materially very poor and weak. But the founder of our institute genius man of foresight, in the heart of his heart, had made a strong determination not to allow the hostile nature and cruel destiny to play their part so that the young girls and boys would be deprived of being cultured, civilized confident, self-proving, virtuous and faithful citizens like Eklavya. It was with this foresightedness, our institute chose the symbol and motto of our Sanstha.

In the very beginning i.e. in the year 1965, Arts and Commerce faculties were started. In the year 1967, the Science faculty was started. In the beginning years, the college suffered from a shortage of students as the region is economically, and socially deprived. To tackle this problem, the founder of our institute Shri. Chandrahar Patil brought about the renaissance of the masses in the region by arranging village-wise tours and keeping personal contact with several parents and thereby inculcating the urgency and importance of higher education in the minds of people. Realizing the economical difficulties of the students and their parents, he started free boarding and lodging for the needy and poor students in the year 1966 with the view that not even a single needy and poor student in this region should be deprived of higher education. And he ran this free lodging and boarding provision continuously for the successive eighteen years, against all the odds. It is a matter of extreme pride for our college that it remained the only college to provide such a facility in the rural area of Satara district. To provide such a facility to the needy and poor students, and to keep them on the highway of higher education, the founder of the institute along with the lecturers went door to door in all the villages of the region to collect grain and funds. Sometimes when all the attempts fell short to continue this facility, the founder of the institute used his personal resources, and donated his grain grown out of his fields without caring for his family. He did all this selflessly, out of his love for higher education, to educate this socially and economically backward region. It was his dream and with all his physical and mental powers, he translated it into reality at which even Shivaji university at the commencement had laughed scornfully, thinking it was daydreaming, and for the same permission to open the college was refused. It was his sincerity that even Shivaji University doubted. But soon it yielded the sweet fruits and college could attract enough students for whose benefit the college, under adversity was established. Today, countless former students of this college have occupied higher posts in the government as well as in other fields and are discharging their duties very ably, efficiently, and honestly. Today with tearful eyes and choked throats, they very proudly, gratefully and with all humility admit that if the founder of our institute Shri. Chandrahar Patil alias Dada had not established this college with a hostel providing free boarding and loading, they would have been deprived of higher education and would have been otherwise rather than what they are today. They, without hesitation, give the credit to the college. And herein lies the strength of this college. The college has contributed towards building and shaping the society of this region. It has been the burning lamp since 1965 and has illuminated age-old darkness that prevailed in all the walks of life of this region. Not only the students of this locality are benefited from this college but even some poor, orphans, who were helpless and hopeless, came here from far corners of Maharashtra when they came to know of free boarding and lodging hostel.

In this way, facing the various challenges ably, and overcoming the adversity, this college during its incessant journey of 44 years, has always been upgraded and maintained the graph of its quality uncompromisingly.

Shahajiraje Mahavidyalaya, Khatav is affiliated with Shivaji University, Kolhapur. It provides instruction to the students for three years of undergraduate courses in Arts, Commerce, and Science. It has a team of duly qualified young and talented members of the academic community as its faculty & staff. This has considerably helped in providing quality education to this drought-prone region.