Quality Assurance Initiatives

India’s Higher Education Program is one of the most comprehensive programs in the world. India’s Higher Education Program has been expanded during the national independence throughout the country to produce and disseminate information that is aimed at providing the easiest access to higher education in indigenous Indians. This is even more important because of globalization, which requires talent, ability, driving, action, and comforts at several levels. If the management of higher education will be strong one then quality can be maintained in that level, so the National Academic Accreditation Council (NAAC) has been formed for quality assurance in higher education. The NAAC accredits the institutions based on the quality in higher education with reference to Self Study Report submitted by the instititutions. The core values of NAAC are emphasized with regards to higher education in India. Along with that, the quality dimensions of higher education has been narrated with reference to product, software and service dimensions as a whole. Finally, some quality assessment tools are being mentioned to assure quality in higher education institutions by NAAC.

Higher education provides deep knowledge and understanding in order to develop learners in new borders of knowledge in different ways of life. It enables the student’s ability to ask and seek the truth and to analyze current issues. It enhances the individual’s intellectual capacity within a small technology and provides a broader view of the world around it. Higher education is often understood by combining teaching, research, and expansion. However, exporting to higher education has contributed to the need for accountability and transparency while facing global education challenges.

By 2025, the projected demand for higher education could reach 263 million students. As the demand for quality education increases, there is a growing demand for quality assurance for international universities where there is increased mobility of students, faculty, programmes and higher education institutions in the global context. Quality assurance can be a driver for higher education institutions to achieve excellence in higher education. however, ensuring that the quality of educational programmes meets local and international standards simultaneously has become a great challenge in many countries, hence, a need emerges for the cooperation of quality assurance agencies and acceptance of quality assurance in higher education, so a common framework for quality assurance model may be helpful for this. Role of Higher Education If the concept of higher education will be critically analyzed then it can be found that higher education plays a vital role in society. It is the source or feeder system in all walks of life and therefore supplies the much-needed human resources in management, planning, design teaching, and research. Most truly speaking, the development of indigenous technology and capabilities in agriculture, food security and other industrial areas are possible because of our world-class higher education. 

Hence the institution has taken up the following activities in the light of Quality Assurance in Higher Education